Empowering Adults with Disabilities

Supported Independent Living for Adults

Support for Enhanced Independence

Riverlink provides exceptional Supported Independent Living (SIL) services, specifically designed to empower adults with disabilities to lead more independent lives. Our dedicated team of in-house support staff at our Blacktown location ensures that individuals have the necessary assistance to move out of their family home and enhance their independent living skills.

Discover a Life of Independence with Riverlink

Don't wait any longer to embrace a more independent and fulfilling life. Contact Riverlink today to explore our Supported Independent Living (SIL) services and take the first step towards a brighter future. Our dedicated team is ready to provide the support and guidance you need to realize your goals.

Supported Independent Living Sydney

Enhanced Independence

At Riverlink, our Supported Independent Living (SIL) program is designed to empower individuals with disabilities to live more independently. Our dedicated in-house support staff provide personalized assistance, helping individuals develop essential life skills and gain the confidence to lead fulfilling lives on their terms.

Personalised Care

Our SIL services include personalized care and assistance with daily tasks. From personal care tasks to meal preparation and household management, our support staff is trained to provide care that meets the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. We prioritise creating a supportive and inclusive environments.

Skill Building

Riverlink's SIL program goes beyond immediate support by focusing on skill-building. Through our carefully designed program, we help individuals with disabilities develop and enhance their independent living skills. By gaining new abilities and increasing self-sufficiency, individuals can live more autonomously and confidently.

Personalised Assistance

We understand that each individual has unique needs and goals. Our SIL program offers support and access to resources tailored to the specific requirements of adults with disabilities. We provide assistance in accessing community resources, educational opportunities, & vocational support, ensuring that individuals have the tools they need to thrive.

What is SIL?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a specialized form of support and supervision that helps individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible while developing essential skills. At Riverlink, our Blacktown property is thoughtfully designed to provide everyday support to adults with disabilities.

We offer personalised assistance for various daily tasks, including personal care assistance and meal preparation. The aim of SIL is not only to provide immediate support but also to foster skill-building, which ultimately promotes increased independence.